8 de out. de 2015

Meeting Stan Lee

Hello people from earth!

I had a chance of a lifetime. Meeting Stan Lee, not once but twice at the same day!
The day was July 10th 2015: 3rd day of San Diego Comic-Con (if you consider the Preview Night).

I had bought the Meet & Greet so I knew I was gonna meet him but I definitely didn't expect so see him twice!

A few days before Comic-Con, I had forward an image on Instagram in order to have the chance to get a Stan Lee Autograph. It would be quick, but still, was a chance to meet THE MAN.

And lucky me I was chosen :)

So basically that day I met Stan very quickly on Arcana Both.
And god I was nervous...


After that The Meet & Greet!

It was in a secret location... a hotel beside the Convention Center on the presidential suite.
Basically a nerd after party.
Food, Nerds, Drinks, Geeks.

Everyone so nervous to have the chance to meet him.

So here are the greatest moments of this unspeakable encounter.
Words fail me to describe how happy I was... not just to see him but also to talk and smell him - Yes he smells like grampa!

He's so slim that I got nervous while hugging him. He's seem so fragile but have this strong personality at the same time that shows how he was capable of being the person he is.

It's not an easy job to get famous and keep that. To manage all the haters, the market itself. But he did it.

Even so old, he's still nice with the fans.
Live Long and Prosper Mr Lee.
Glad to had the chance to meet you in this life time.

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